7 Elements of Property Investing
Catherine Smith
Ratgeber / Lebenshilfe, Alltag
I qualifi ed as an Accountant in 1992. I recall lining up for my degree thinking to myself why did I study Accounting I would have preferred to do Psychology. I wanted to be in a professional that involved helping people and didnt see how crunching numbers fi t in with that desire. However, I continued with study in fi nancial areas including a Masters Degree in Taxation, a Diploma of Financial Planning, a Diploma of Finance, a Diploma of Real Estate and a Diploma of Property Advice. During this time I worked for the Australian Taxation Offi ce as an Auditor and Fraud Investigator for 11 years before opening my own practice in 2002. Despite my skills and qualifi cations in the fi nancial arenas my interest in Psychology continued and I completed extensive personal development courses including Crossroads I & II, Being Empowered through Service Training (BEST) and Beyond the Edge (BTE). I then went onto complete the Christopher Howard Academy of Wealth & Achievement which was focussed on qualifying to be a Results Coach, NLP practitioner and Presenter. I have now commenced undertaking Beyond Success courses. Combining all of the above fi nancial and personal development courses together I guess I can be best described as a Wholistic Financial Coach. My passion is assisting clients create wealth and protect wealth for their future and future generations. This passion is displayed through my Wholistic approach to fi nancial advising. My advice is Wholistic because it covers the whole of a clients fi nancial needs and the whole of a clients lifecycle. I fi nd my clients often need fi nancial advice but they also really need someone to hold their hand and support them as they take the steps they need to take to achieve their fi nancial goals. Working in the fi nancial professional for over 20 years I realised that one of the biggest challenges facing clients when they seek fi nancial advice who to turn to? Advice given by Accountants, Financial Planners, Mortgage Brokers and Real Estate agents all differs dramatically and is heavily dependent on where the advisors commission or payments came from. There are no advisors that cover all aspects of advice and are therefore independent of commissions. So I qualifi ed, and now advise, in all of the professions. My fi rm is called Wholistic Financial Solutions (WFS) and the clients describe WFS as dynamic, diverse, personalised, knowledgeable and client focused. The fi rm prides itself in being accessible and responsive. Catherine prefers her clients to get ongoing, accurate and timely advice during the year, whenever it is needed. In addition to all of the above, my proudest achievement is my four young children, Jese, Harley, Khiana and Luann and I always ensure that I balance my professional life with time out to spend quality time with them.