I Can Mend Your Broken Heart

Hugh Willbourn, Paul McKenna

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IMPORTANT: IF YOUR DEVICE SUPPORTS IT, YOU WILL FIND AUDIO AND/OR VIDEO IN THIS EBOOK. IF YOUR DEVICE DOES NOT, FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS TO SAVE THE MATERIALS DIRECTLY TO YOUR COMPUTER, OR TO STREAM VIA YOUR SMARTPHONE OR TABLET._______________________________Almost everyone, at one time or another, is affected by a broken heart. But how can we cope with this most personal of traumas? Here, world-famous hypnotist Paul McKenna and psychotherapist Dr Hugh Willbourn show the reader how to cope with the grief which can accompany the break-up of a relationship. How to Mend Your Broken Heart is packed with simple, highly effective, practical techniques which will make you feel better fast, and bring about lasting change.* understand emotional healing* make crucial connections between key events in relationships and achieve a new understanding of love* change bad habits and eliminate destructive emotional patterns* open the door to a new love.Follow the programme, as outlined in the book, and you will not only mend your broken heart but you will be on your way to achieving success in every loving relationship!THIS EBOOK CONTAINS A CODE TO DOWNLOAD THE MIND-PROGRAMMING AUDIO.

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