Take Two
Honor Cargill, Perdita Cargill
Kinder- und Jugendbücher / Jugendbücher ab 12 Jahre
Theres something in this book for every reader- bits to make you laugh, bits to make you cry and plenty of life-affirming, upbeat moments that make it the perfect tonic. More please!Emma Carroll Elektra has finally landed a part in a film. It's thedream. Well until she works out thatStrakeris a movie so dystopian that within weeks most of the cast and all of the crew wish that the world had actually ended (preferably in scene one). And while it's obviously great news that she's moved from the friend-zone with Archie to become his almost-girlfriend, it would be better if he hadn't immediately relocated to Transylvania to play a vampire hunter surrounded by ';maidens of peerless beauty' Full of humour and warmth, this new series is perfect for fans ofGeek GirlandThe It Girl. Waiting for Callback: Take Two fills you with so much love and laughter, it will brighten your day. Its completely catching in this book, there was so many laugh out loud, cringe worthy moments your heart just beats that bit faster out of pure joy and happiness for this book.Never Judge a Book by Its Cover A hilarious read with a fab main character. The excellent dialogue sets it above most of the other similar books in a crowded field (which includes lots of great reads!)YA YEAH YEAH