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German Verse from the 12th to the 20th Century in English Translation

J. W. Thomas


NEH Humanities Open Book Program img Link Publisher

Belletristik / Lyrik, Dramatik


This anthology presents in English verse translation a selection of the best of German poetry, together with discussions of the chief authors and literary periods and brief explications of the individual poems. Taking the reader from the Minnesingers' songs of courtly love to Goethe and Rilke, this volume gives an excellent introduction to eight centuries of German poetry.

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paul gerhardt, heinrich heine, rainer maria rilke, University of North Carolina Studies in the Germanic Languages and Literatures, realism, paul fleming, theodor storm, christian hoffman von hoffmanswaldau, german studies, friedrich klopstock, walther von der vogelweide, joseph von eichendorff, post romantic, modern poets, schiller, andreas gryphius, hugo von hofmannsthal, friedrich rückert, conrad ferdinand meyer, ludwig uhland, baroque, matthias claudius, german poetry, heinrich von morungen, romantic, friedrich hebbel, christian günther, stefan george, johannes scheffler, neidhart von reuenthal, august von platen, dietmar von aist, ludwig hölty, novalis, friedrich nietzche, enlightenment, goethe, gottfried keller, hölderin, nikolaus lenau, clemens brentano, eduard mörike, wolfram von eschenbach