Literacy Coaching in the Secondary Grades
Jade Wexler, Alexandra Shelton, Elizabeth Swanson, et al.
Schule und Lernen / Förder- / Sonderschule
Too many adolescent learners still struggle with reading.
This much-needed guide shows how to support teachers in providing effective literacy instruction in the content areas, which can be intensified as needed within a multi-tiered framework. Adaptive Intervention Model (AIM) Coaching was created for grades 6–8, but is equally applicable in high school. The book gives instructional coaches an accessible blueprint for evaluating, developing, and reinforcing each teacher's capacity to implement evidence-based literacy practices. User-friendly features include case studies, end-of-chapter reflection questions and key terms, and reproducible tools. Purchasers get access to a companion website where they can download and print the reproducible materials--plus supplemental lesson plans and other resources--in a convenient 8 1/2" x 11" size.
reading classes, response to intervention, Tier 3, intensive instruction, special education, teaching struggling readers, adolescent learners, disciplines, learning disabilities, Tier 1, coaches, professional development, Tier 2, high school, content areas, middle school