EAT: Easy, Affordable, Tasty
Frankie Celenza
Ratgeber / Essen & Trinken
EAT is the antithesis to the never-ending competition for the most elaborate, expensive, complicated, and shocking dishes showcased both on tv and social media. While you might recognize Frankie from Struggle Meals, he started his career with the goal to help people who felt overwhelmed cooking at home. For a dish to be featured in this book, it must meet three simple criteria:
1) Each dish must be easy, which means nothing takes more than 20 minutes of hands-on cooking time.
2) Each dish must be affordable, meaning there aren’t any fancy specialty ingredients, and what is used, is used fully.
3) Each dish must taste great; classic ingredient combinations play the nostalgia card that readers identify with.
Dishes like these have become part of Frankie's repertoire of family meals that can be made over and over again and never go out of style. Frankie has put his spin on classic American dishes, dove headfirst into practical trends, and provided the context of the culinary techniques that take these dishes to the next level.
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