Big, Fun, Sexy Sex Book
Ian Kerner, Lisa Rinna
Ratgeber / Gesundheit
JUST SAY O! Have flannel pj s replaced your silky negligees? Are you more likely to nod off cuddling the remoteinstead of your partner? Are you too tired for sex? Is foreplay becoming boreplay? Sure, being comfortable in your relationship is great. You can finish each others sentences, love your partners extra ten pounds, and know just the right buttons to push in bed (or at least think you do). But too much comfort can strip your sex life of its XXX rating and render your love life . . . lifeless. New York Times bestselling author and nationally recognized sex counselor Ian Kerner and vivacious television personality Lisa Rinna, who spoke candidly about rediscovering her own lost libido in her New York Times bestseller Rinnavation, are on a mission to help you get from no-go to the Big O. Mind-blowing sex is just pages away! Turn down the lights and cozy up under the sheets with this intimate bedside guide to igniting your mojo. Overflowing with candid advice, tips, techniques, personal revelations, sexercises, and even a ten-step plan guaranteed to rejuvenate your relationship and keep you and your partner coming back for more, The Big, Fun, Sexy Sex Book proves that knowledge isnt just powerits also pleasure! Now, lets have some fun! *** HE SAYS: What happens outside the bedroom affects what happens in the bedroom, and when couples are connected intimately, their relationship can be more vital and stronger than they ever imagined. SHE SAYS: Dont underestimate a real woman. You want to know about great sex? Ill show you great sex. You want a cougar? Ill give you a tigress! Im just show you great sex. You want a cougar? Ill give you a tigress! Im just reaching my peak, and I feel sexier than everand so can you! ITS NEVER TOO LATE TO GET THE SEX LIFE YOU ALWAYS WANTED! * Sexy scenarios and hot new moves to amp up the adventure! * The best sexual positions to make you climax * Confidence boosters that make you feel sexier than ever and bring out your inner thrill-seeker * Oral sex and hand job tips that will make his body go nuclear * Fixes for common bedroom problems such as low desire, mismatched libidos, and sexual boredom * Tips for coping with sexual male-functions such as premature ejaculation, erectile disorder, and a propensity for porn * The ten-step sex workout * The most amazing sex of your lifeat any age, even after kids!