Time to Prosper

Finding and Entering God's Realm of Blessings

Chuck D. Pierce, Robert Heidler

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Baker Publishing Group img Link Publisher

Sachbuch / Religion: Allgemeines, Nachschlagewerke


The Time of Blessing Has ComeGod longs for you to prosper, succeed and accomplish all He has destined for you to complete for His kingdom. Prosperity is unleashed when you enter into the fullness of God's plan for your life. When you submit to His plan, He opens doors of abundance. But how do you begin? A Time to Prosper reveals how you can align yourself with:• The Cycles of the Biblical Feasts• The Laws of Multiplication, Use and Recovery• The Covenant of God• The Miracle of FirstfruitsYou will discover the biblical model for work, worship and giving, and understand how this pattern prepares you to give and receive blessings. As you reorder your life according to God's timetable and seek His kingdom first, riches of wisdom, authority and prosperity will be added to you. Now is the time to claim your inheritance and your portion! Learn to dwell in the realm of God's blessing.
