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Sue Warn, Bob Digby

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Hodder Education img Link Publisher

Kinder- und Jugendbücher / Lernen


Master the in-depth knowledge and higher-level skills that A-level Geography students need to succeed; this focused topic book extends learning far beyond your course textbooks.Blending detailed content and case studies with questions, exemplars and guidance, this book:- Significantly improves students' knowledge and understanding of A-level content and concepts, providing more coverage of Global Governance than your existing resources- Strengthens students' analytical and interpretative skills through questions that involve a range of geographical data sources, with guidance on how to approach each task- Demonstrates how to evaluate issues, with a dedicated section in every chapter that shows how to think geographically, consider relevant evidence and structure a balanced essay- Equips students with everything they need to excel, from additional case studies and definitions of key terminology, to suggestions for further research and fieldwork ideas for the Independent Investigation- Helps students check, apply and consolidate their learning, using end-of-chapter refresher questions and discussion points- Offers trusted and reliable content, written by a team of highly experienced senior examiners and reviewed by academics with unparalleled knowledge of the latest geographical theories

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