EYFS: A Practical Guide: A Penny Tassoni Handbook
Penny Tassoni
Ratgeber / Gesundheit
Get up to date on the latest EYFS framework with this brand-new handbook. Written by industry expert Penny Tassoni, this comprehensive handbook is easy-to navigate, colourful and accessible for all those who want to understand the latest updates to the EYFS and improve their practice. - Be guided by Penny's practical and helpful advice on safeguarding and welfare and gain an in-depth understanding of the education requirements of the EYFS.- Create a comprehensive curriculum for your practice that is linked to the Ofsted framework.- Test yourself both in theory and practice with hypothetical questions and tips for practical application throughout the handbook.- Explore suggested activities for each age range and area of learning and development.- Discover the new 'Ofsted Feature', which will help practitioners achieve Outstanding in their Ofsted inspection.