GCSE 9-1 Geography AQA: Student Book Second Edition

David Holmes, Bob Digby, Nicholas Rowles, et al.

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Kinder- und Jugendbücher / Lernen


This thoroughly updated second edition is a student-friendly and truly supportive resource, including new graphs and maps and updated geographical data. It motivates students with accesible, topical content and case studies while retaining a rigorous approach, and has been entered into the AQA approval process.The Student Book has been revised to more closely reflect the latest AQA advice and exam question wording, while new Skills Focus pages hone students' ability to answer skills-based questions with confidence.It provides comprehensive coverage of the 2016 AQA GCSE Geography specification and includes extension tasks and practice questions on every spread help students succeed.Up-to-date case studies provide real-world examples that your students can relate to, while reworked fieldwork and issue evaluation chapters explain and develop the skills required by the specification.

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