Starting out with Visual C#, Global Edition
Tony Gaddis
Starting Out with Visual C# is an ideal introductory Visual C# text for everyone, even if you do not have programming experience. Author Tony Gaddis uses step-by-step instructions that are supported by a GUI-based approach to encourage and motivate you as you learn to create event-driven, Visual C# applications. The hands-on tutorials feature clear, down-to-earth explanations and provide detailed walk-throughs that are easy to follow. The 6th Edition features new and updated discussions, sections and tutorials aligned to Microsoft Visual Studio 2022 and the latest versions of C# and .NET. A new Chapter 11 dives deeper into classes. It covers intermediate to advanced topics, including returning objects from methods; writing a ToString method; working with null; the this reference variable; copy constructors; aggregation and composition; anonymous objects; mutable and immutable classes; and class collaboration.