Bovine Surgery and Lameness
Adrian Steiner, A. David Weaver, Guy St. Jean, et al.
Naturwissenschaften, Medizin, Informatik, Technik / Veterinärmedizin
The revised and updated Third Edition of Bovine Surgery and Lameness offers veterinarians a concise text ideal for use in the field.
- Offers a fully revised edition of the popular and well-respected book on bovine surgery and lameness
- Presents a practical quick-reference guide ideal for the field veterinarian
- Covers both common surgical procedures and the latest information on combating lameness
- Written by an expert team of international authors
- Includes access to a companion website offering video clips
Indications and bovines, Restraint and bovines, <p>Guide to Bovine Surgery and Lameness, Asepsis and bovines, bovines and congenital defects, suture techniques and bovines, Equipment for bovines, Premedication and bovines, local analgesics and bovines, analgesia of the flank of bovines</p>, Suture materials for bovines, Preparation of operative field for bovines, Hand disinfection working with bovines, analgesia of the head of bovines, General anaesthesia and bovines, Basic instruments for laparotomy or caesarian section in bovines, Sterilisation and bovines, Intravenous anaesthesia agents for bovines, Welfare and quality of life of bovines, Sutures and suturing of bovines, regional analgesia and bovines, sedation and bovines, Pre-operative assessment of lame bovines, laboratory tests for bovines