Sickle Cell Adventures With Bryce-A-Million
Bobby R Watson
Kinder- und Jugendbücher / Kinderbücher bis 11 Jahre
Sickle Cell Adventures with Bryce-A-Million is a Superhero story about a kid faced with many challenges. While Dr.SC terrorizes the city trying to inflict pain, Bryce-A-Million & His Friends Hydro and Ms. Medi swoop in to save the day. When he's not saving the day Bryce loves school, toys, sports and playing with friends. Sometimes His Sickle Cell Disease keeps him from being able to do the things he loves. As Bryce navigates life understanding it's okay to be different with help from his parents, doctor and friends Bryce finds adventurous ways to find his superhero within. His Story is Our Story, meant for the Big & Courageous Bryce-A-Million is our Superhero & he's destined for Greatness.
Sickle Cell Trait, Blood Disease, Sickle Cell, Sickle Cell Foundation, Childrens Hospital, Health Issues, Bryce-A-Million, SCDFC, Black History, Health Complications, Cedar Sinai, Sickle Cell Anemia, Superheroes, UCLA Medical Center, Red Blood Cells, African American, Marvel, Sickle Cell Blood Disease, Medicine, Superpowers, Kaiser Permanente