Jean Archer #3
Jason A Anderson
Ratgeber / Sammeln, Sammlerkataloge
Jean Archer #3 has arrived!!
It's now or never for Jean and the rest of the Paranormal and Supernatural Society. The Holy Grail of investigations, the Bridal Vale, has finally come about, and the team couldn't be more enthusiastic. Even the unusual weather and Valley floor tremors can't dampen their optimism. They've waited a long time for this opportunity, and they intend to make the most of it.
There are others in the Valley, lurking in shadows and around blind corners, watching, waiting for anyone on the team, especially Jean Archer, to misstep. The repercussions of one wrong-placed foot could be dire...
And release the monsters to come out and play.
ghost hunting, end of days, Supernatural and Paranormal, Coming of Age, Young Adult, zombies