Ideal Weight with a Stoic Will
Claudio Pardo Molina
Ratgeber / Essen & Trinken
These steps are based on my thesis that Chile and practically all of America have high rates of obesity because our actions tend to be dominated by external stimuli rather than by our own decisions, which can be dominated by the Stoic philosophy described by Epictetus. In his 'Inquiry', translated from the Greek that would come to mean a small manual.This philosopher had as his motto 'Absent of passions, affections and opinions'. I think this slogan already gives us an idea of the recommendations that I will write in this book and I will only outline them to tempt the reader.* Absent of passions: Generally, we are hungry because the pleasure that food gives us calms our sorrows, encourages us or even takes away our anxiety. This book shows us that passions are conditioned by external stimuli, but first, we must understand what we want so from that point we can discover what we are passionate about.* Absent of affection: We want to eat because we feel so stimulated with a bar of chocolate that nowadays it is believed that it would generate almost the same pleasure as an orgasm. In this book, you will discover that you will be free from hunger when you free yourself from attachment to the people and things around you by lowering your expectations of them.* Absent of opinions: We want to eat because we feel attacked by people who we believed were our friends who finally betrayed us. But this book will show that the idea of loyalty is just an opinion we made of the other person, an expectation which does not mean it is true.