Future Trends and Challenges for ICT Standardization

Ramjee Prasad (Hrsg.)

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River Publishers img Link Publisher

Naturwissenschaften, Medizin, Informatik, Technik / Wärme-, Energie- und Kraftwerktechnik


This book comes in response to the Future Trends and Challenges for ICT Standardization. The technological areas covered are:* the need, importance and management of radio spectrum,* the development of future radio access technologies,* the convergence of telecommunications and broadcasting,* the possibilities and challenges brought by the Internet of Things (IoT),* the environment sustainability through the use of Green ICT,The book aims at identifying the importance of ICT standardization for strengthening the Indian industrial and business sector through Global ICT Standardization Forum for India (GISFI-www.gisfi.org). Further, it outlines the major challenges and trends in the ICT development worldwide, while mapping the Indian efforts on the background of the overall progress.The motivation behind this book is that a more informed context is made available to ensure sustainable scientific and economic growth.Finally, the book puts forward the best research roadmaps, strategies and challenges contributed by engineers from the industry, academia, and Government. It addresses the benefits to the entire society resulting from standardization.

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