Yom Kippur War

Suez Canal

Patel Dhirubhai Patel

ca. 4,26

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Kinder- und Jugendbücher / Jugendbücher ab 12 Jahre


The Yom Kippur War, Ramadan War, or October War also known as the 1973 Arab-Israeli War, was fought from October 6 to 25, 1973, by a coalition of Arab states led by Egypt and Syria against Israel. Yom Kippur WarIndexChapter 1: The war Story1.1 Events leading up to the war1.2 War objectives and areas of combat1.3 Lead-up to the surprise attack1.4 Egyptian and Syrian military exercises1.5 Lack of Israeli pre-emptive attackChapter 2: Course of the war2.1 Egyptian attack2.2 Failed Israeli counter-attack2.3 Temporary stabilization2.4 The Egyptian failed attack2.5 Israel planned attack considerations2.6 Israeli breakthrough - Crossing the canal2.7 Securing the bridgehead2.8 Egyptian response to the Israeli crossing2.9 Israeli forces across the Suez2.10 The ceasefire and further battles2.11 Egypt's trapped Third Army2.12 Post-war battles2.13 Final situation on the Egyptian front2.14 War in the Golan Heights2.15 Successful defense of the Quneitra Gap by the 7th Armored Brigade2.16 Syrian breakthrough in the Southern Golan2.17 The collapse of the 188th Armored Brigade2.18 Israel retakes the southern Golan2.19 Naval WarChapter 3: Atrocities against Israeli prisoners3.1 Egyptian atrocitiesChapter 4: Participation by other states4.1 Aid to Egypt and Syria4.2 Soviet active aid4.3 Soviet threat of intervention4.4 Other countries4.5 US-Soviet naval standoffChapter 5 : Weapons5.1 Home front during the war5.2 CasualtiesChapter 6: Post-ceasefire6.1 Disengagement agreement6.2 Response in Israel6.3 Response in Egypt6.4 Response in Syria6.5 Response in the Soviet UnionChapter 7: Long-term effects

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Patel Dhirubhai Patel
Patel Dhirubhai Patel
Patel Dhirubhai Patel
Patel Dhirubhai Patel
Patel Dhirubhai Patel
Patel Dhirubhai Patel
Patel Dhirubhai Patel
Patel Dhirubhai Patel
Patel Dhirubhai Patel
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