Stepping into the Platinum Age
Jill Renee Feeler
Sachbuch / Sonstiges
In this groundbreaking book, spiritual teacher Jill Renee Feeler introduces the new energy frequencies of the Platinum Age, inviting readers to connect to new energy and cycles of ascension from a foundation of light. Stepping into the Platinum Age offers fresh insights for the shifting of an age and your role as a pioneer and member of the ground crew helping usher in Platinum Age blueprints. Touching on subjects as wide-ranging as your light body and black holes, Christos consciousness and personal sovereignty, the book provides foundational teachings for embodying your divine role and living from your soul.
We are more than our human-ness. “There are layers, flavors, combinations, and fractals of experiences that we are creating and that we are having,” writes spiritual teacher Jill Renee Feeler. “And they are all happening simultaneously within different components of dimensional states and layers of consciousness.” Readers desiring a stronger connection with divine wisdom from within human form will find multiple points of connection in the pages of this new spiritual book.
Stepping into the Platinum Age: A Firm Foundation for Your Light introduces core concepts related to the dawning age. The author invites you to step fully into your divine sovereignty and onto the platform offered by the Platinum Age. This book shows you how to access profound layers of wisdom, unconditional love, knowledge, and awareness, exactly as you are right now, “without any stints in an ashram, without any dark nights of the soul, without any plant medicines, without any years of study or personal sacrifice.”
With a tour of your divine self, this book covers a broad range of topics from creating answers from creator consciousness to moving from a stance of searching for truth to knowing and living from truth. Included are channeled messages from the Guardian Council of the Golden Ray, reflections from the author’s own experiences, and experiences for connecting to your divine self.
platinum age, ascension, jill renee feeler