Stop Eating Junk Food in 5 Minutes a Day for 21 Days Let Your Sub-Mind Do The Work
Steven Murray
Ratgeber / Gesundheit
Potato chips, cookies, donuts, chocolate, you name it! Pick a junk food you want to stop eating, and start the 5 minutes a day for 21 days Food Feelings Program -- then let your unconscious mind do the work! You will soon find yourself reducing the consumption of the junk food selected, to eliminating it completely from your diet. Food Feelings are in your unconscious mind and motivate you to eat junk foods you like. This program shows you how to identify, and then change the Food Feelings so you will lose the desire to eat the junk in only 5 minutes a day for 21 days. No will power needed! This program is easy and works by using the power of your unconscious mind to make the change in your Food Feelings. It's that simple! Any person can do it. No diet, special foods, pills or exercise are required, but the Food Feelings Program can be used in conjunction with any diet, exercise or weight loss program.