Rants to Revelations

Unabashedly Honest Reflections on Life, Spirituality, & the Meaning of God

Ogun R. Holder

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Ogun Holder knew full well the Bible story of Jonah and the whale. His intellectual understanding of the tale led him to believe that running from God was futile. But because he had never run from God before, he thought he'd try it anyway. Spoiler Alert: It didn't work. Holder's journey begins with a pious but questioning childhood filled with mandatory church attendance and boisterous congregants. His road leads to a teenage rebellion, and then to a collegiate crisis of faith. He seems to hit a dead end in his 30s as a responsible grown-up-until he paves a new path to Divine self. It's a path he's still walking. Readers will relate to the honesty and humor in the mash-up of emotions, ideas and experiences Holder shares about parenting, spirituality, relationships and theology. When taken to heart, these "e;rants"e; might, in fact, lead you to your own revelations.

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