How Horses Feel and Think
Marlitt Wendt
Ratgeber / Pferde, Reiten
Take a glimpse of the world seen from a horse's point of view This is a fascinating journey into the emotional world seen from a horse's point of view. Thoroughly researched and presented, this book introduces the reader to the language of horses, to their astonishing mental capabilities and their deepest emotions. The information provided offers a good basis for horse owners to learn how to relate better to their horses, to develop a more harmonious relationship to their horses and to school their horses without using force but in a positive, pro-active way. Written in an accessible, sometimes light-hearted way from a practical point of view, the author succeeds in bridging the gap between science and the daily experience of everybody dealing with horses.
behaviour, emotions, understanding, pro-active way, intelligence, Horses, Riding, Wendt, feelings, learning, non-violent, relationship, horse, language, positive, Amrlitt Wendt, harmoy