Restorying Young Adult Literature
James Joshua Coleman, Autumn A. Griffin, Ebony Elizabeth Thomas, et al.
National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE)
Schule und Lernen / Schulbücher Allgemeinbildende Schulen
Building upon the 2018 Preparing Teachers with Knowledge of Children’s and Young Adult Literature position statement, Restorying Young Adult Literature spotlights how both teachers and students are using digital tools and technologies to re-read, re-write, and restory YAL today.
Primarily, this text provides pedagogical approaches and resources for English language arts (ELA) educators to integrate shifts in textuality and the availability of participatory digital networks into their classroom. We propose Digital YAL and Digital YA Culture as conceptual tools for teachers to learn from the digital restorying practices of young people and fellow educators, and across the book, we demonstrate how teachers can restory text selection, digital access, white curricula, and multimodality in their classroom, doing so in pursuit of more just teaching and learning for today’s digital era.