Mighty Stories, Dangerous Rituals
Edward Foley, Herbert Anderson
Geisteswissenschaften, Kunst, Musik / Christentum
Bringing together two of our greatest sources of meaning andtransformation This book marries two partners that are made for each other. Theresult, as in all good unions, is mutual enrichment and deeperlife. --Jack Shea, author of Stories of God Now available in paperback, this moving and enlightening bookpresents us with a compelling vision of what can happen when wetake the opportunity to connect stories and rituals--a vision ofindividuals and communities transformed through a deeper sense ofconnection to our loved ones, our communities, and God. HerbertAnderson and Edward Foley reveal how when stories and rituals worktogether, they have the potential to be both mighty anddangerous--mighty in their ability to lift us up and help us makethese connections beyond ourselves and dangerous in challenging usto learn to live with complexity and contradiction. They show how much more meaningful a baptism, wedding, or funeralcan be when liturgy is made to include and recognize the personalstories of those involved. Suddenly, these familiar life-cyclerituals are infused with new life as their participants becomeconnected in a narrative web linking past and present, human anddivine. Newly created rituals can also help us connect our storiesto the divine story, giving meaning to what we experience andbringing us closer to God. Ministers, worship leaders, and pastoral caregivers can use thisapproach to storytelling and ritual to find ways to bring togetherworship and pastoral care, diminishing fragmentation and fosteringcoherence in their religious communities.
"If taken seriously, this book could mark a significant means forgiving life and direction to an otherwise gray field. The book isnot only rich in its use of a wide range of scholarly research, butalso in its depth and maturity of thought. . . . This is asignificant and groundbreaking work with enormous possibleimplications for the revitalization of our field. It deserves fromus deep reflection, storytelling, and new ritual."
"This text explores a variety of creative and necessary tensionsinherent in effective pastoral ministry. Those dialectics includemyth and parable, story and ritual, individual and community,pastoral care and worship, life and death, divinity and humanity. .. . Break[s] open rich possibilities for individual and communalspirituality and for meaningful ministry."
"A well-written book and offers great insight. . . .This bookarticulates the theoretical aspects of story and ritual and doesnot stop there. It also addresses contemporary concerns about lifetransitions that the church neglects to ritualize. . . . A valuablebook."
Kirchliches Leben, geistliches Amt u. Führung, Church Life, Ministry & Leadership, Religion & Theology, Religion u. Theologie