Ștefan Antohe, Vlad-Andrei Antohe
Institute of Physics Publishing
Ratgeber / Sammeln, Sammlerkataloge
This book is derived from modules forming a full course in electricity and magnetism (E&M) as given by the authors. The book starts with the definition of the electrisation state, describing both the electrisation state of charged and polarized bodies, respectively, and goes on to discuss how the electric field develops in conductors to electrostatic equilibrium, as well as in insulating materials especially in dielectrics. This book is suitable for students taking a general E&M course or those undertaking a more specialised course in electrostatics. The advanced math support required to follow the scientific content of the book is provided through appendixes, and theoretical concepts are consistently blended with examples of real-life applications. It contains numerous worked examples and exercises that help students to secure an excellent assimilation of the knowledge, as well as a deep understanding of the physical phenomena under discussion and representing the most important methods to solve electrostatic problems.
Key Features:
- Self-contained with mathematical appendices
- Thoroughly class tested
- Numerous examples of applications, worked example problems and exercises
- Formalism of the electrostatic field in vacuum and matter
- Extensive study of the stationary electric charges
Dielectric materials, Polarization of dielectrics, magnetism, Electricity and magnetism, electrostatics, Electrostatic field, Capacitance and capacitors, Conductors in electrostatic field, electricity, Maxwell’s equations