Hornby Book of Collectable Toys
Arthur Ward
Ratgeber / Sammeln, Sammlerkataloge
Hornby can trace its roots back to the very start of the 20th century and has since become one of the most iconic names in toy manufacturing, whose toys have delighted generations of children and collectors around the world. Its rich history is intertwined with that of many other famous toymakers, and today Hornby is the custodian of several heritage brands, including Airfix, Corgi and Scalextric. The Hornby Book of Collectable Toys vibrantly tells the story of their magical world of toys, from the early Meccano years through to the present day. Drawing on his experiences as an author, photographer, and interviewer of some of the greatest names in the British toy industry, Arthur Ward brings the industry to life. Packed with original colour photos, many previously unpublished, enthusiasts and novices will find something for them within these pages.
Chad Valley, model building, action figures, Lone Star Toys, Micromodels, Electrotren, Lledo, Airfix, model aircraft, Budgie, Meccano, Oxford Diecast, Hamley’s, WWII toys, model trains, miniature cars, Matchbox, Patterson Blick, International Model Aircraft, Palitoy, Pocher, model railways, Timpo, Scalextric, Jouef, John Hill & Company, Lima, post-war toys, Arthur, building sets, Britains, Corgi, Charbens, Rivarossi, nostalgia, Cherilea, Frank Hornby, model cars, Playcraft, toys, Taylor and Barrett, Dinky, Hornby, pastimes, Benbros, Bassett-Lowke, collecting toys, Crescent Toys, FROG, TV Century 21, Humbrol