Panel Repair and Fabrication for Vehicle Restorers
Bruce Macleod
Ratgeber / Auto, Motorrad, Moped
Although it can seem daunting, constructing sheet metal panels by hand is very much within the scope of the amateur restorer working from their own home workshop with the minimum of equipment. Often panels that are sold to replace the originals on historic and classic vehicles are not a good fit. Therefore, to achieve a more accurate fit, making your own panels can be the best solution. This accessible book shows how to make, repair and fit sheet metal body panels for historic and classic vehicles.
Sheet metal tools, Sheet metalwork, Forming sheet metal, Vehicle body restoration, Shaping sheet metal, Forming sheet metal by hand, Classic car body repair, Making auto body patch panels, English wheel metal forming, Classic car restoration, Sheet metalworking, Classic car body panels, Historic vehicle restoration, Making steel body panels, Sheet metal body repair, Auto body sheet metal forming, Shaping body panels, Making car body repair panels, Sheet metal body panels, Classic car body restoration, Making aluminium body panels, Shaping sheet metal with hand tools, Sheet metal fabrication