legumes du Canada
Ernest Small, Derek B. Munro
Naturwissenschaften, Medizin, Informatik, Technik / Landwirtschaft, Gartenbau
This book is a comprehensive, extensively illustrated, practical reference guide to about 100 Canadian vegetables. It covers both commercial and home garden crops and includes essentially all of the major, minor, and potentially new vegetables of Canada. Nomenclature, description and classification, uses, and detailed cultivation requirements are provided for each vegetable. Also included are human interest information, selected key literature, and a summary evaluation of problems and potential from an economic and agricultural viewpoint. All species discussed in detail are illustrated. This volume is intended to be of interest to a broad audience, including the agri-food sector, farmers and research station personnel, information service specialists, and teachers. Although not specifically intended for home gardeners, they too will find a great deal of invaluable information, particularly about uncommonly grown vegetables. While the publication is oriented to Canada, it is also a useful reference text for most of the vegetables that are grown in other temperate countries.