Talon, Windsong
Gigi Sedlmayer
Belletristik/Erzählende Literatur
Finalist with: BOOK EXCELLENCE AWARD, 2021
More thrilling adventures with Matica and Talon.
The poachers are gone, and the birds are safe. Now Matica is becoming anxious thinking of the upcoming holiday to Australia - she does not want to go or leave her birds. But Talon, understanding her misery, helps to ease her mind.
With distractions all sides, Matica soon finds herself involved in current happenings - the letting go of Elcano's ashes from the top of the Andes, and near tragedy of Crayn falling while climbing up the mountain. The condors play a vital role in saving the day.
Talon shows Matica the puma and her cubs. But things go wrong when the female puma smells them and attacks. Will they escape the big cat?
As a birthday surprise for Matica, Aikon asked the birds to fly with her for the whole day. The birds agree and the thrilling adventures she has now with near misses, the finding of old bones, snakes and spiders, Talon Windsong adventures will keep you turning the pages and on the edge of your seat.
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