Christine Thompson-Wells
Ratgeber / Familie
This book opens the conversation! The main objective is to give to each reader, the quality of SELF and the value that should be placed on their individuality as a person and within their relationships. Many people may feel uncomfortable when speaking about sex, sexuality, and relationships. However, these subjects play a critical and important role in your life. Communities across the world, through either cultural, psychological, religious, and or philosophical reasons, may consider the topics taboo, and yet, speaking about the above will improve people's lives, add great value to individual wellbeing and health, and start to limit areas of crime that grow through this lack of knowledge.
As the author of many books, over sixty written and published and most with an emphasis on building life skills, health, and wellbeing. I too, until recently, have missed writing about our behaviour and our human sexuality!
Our sexuality is as much a part of the topics listed above as any other human behaviour we care to speak about. Having, in 2023, published four books for children and teens on puberty and a later book for parents on the process of hormone changes, as our children enter and go through puberty, all within the same year, it is only right to continue the conversation with this latest book on our human sexuality and the acts of love we have with our partners. Let's get one thing right at the beginning, sexual activity is not a bad or negative behaviour if the act is done with respect, care, and the love of another human being. The act of sex should only be performed by two consenting adults and that is only when the act of intimate, and sexual touching should take place. You will read the short story of a friend who, after her marriage broke down, had many one-night stands, and a one-night stand is no different to any other human act, it should be done with care, love and respect for the person or people involved.
Just recently, I did a little bit of editing for a friend who wants to write and is writing a book. I do not take on other people's writing, I am not a ghost writer, but I agreed to help as this person wanted desperately to start a novel. The novel has some sentences that were leading to sexual behaviour of a young couple, and as I read through the information, it seemed to me, that in that instance, the moments of intimacy were missing and even skirted around which made the wording written somewhat boring! I started to add my own words, which to my surprise were different in connotation and meaning; I was truly getting into the way our human minds and bodies respond when we either fall in love or are attracted to different people as we go through life. Our lives may have many different journeys, and when on those journeys, we meet different people, some we are attracted to and some not so! As I thought through the whole experience of writing for another person, and in the same week, going to the doctors about my own health, during the appointment, the doctor and I spoke about relationships and how indeed, sex is good to have and good to enjoy, it is after all part of the glue that keeps relationships together and the community functioning. It is with the above thoughts and experiences that I have now written this book on sexual behaviour and the intimacy of relationships.
sex, love, wellbeing, mental health, health, physiology, personal growth, sexuality, psychology, future, relationships, partnerships, biology