Dam Hydraulics
Willi H. Hager, Daniel L. Vischer
Naturwissenschaften, Medizin, Informatik, Technik / Bau- und Umwelttechnik
Dam Hydraulics D. L. Vischer W. H. Hager VAW, ETH, Zürich,Switzerland This book develops the main themes of water flow in damstructures, emphasizing the hydraulic principles governing thedesign, construction and refurbishment of dams. Opening with anoverview of the various dam structures, it then developsfundamental topics including: reservoir sedimentation, waves due tolandslides and dambreak waves. The authors provide a systematicanalysis of the various phenomena associated with dam hydraulics,illustrated with appropriate figures and photographs of laboratorymodels and prototype structures.
"'Dam Hydraulics' is an excellent book. It is well written with abundant illustrations. The book is suitable as a reference and would be an excellent companion text for undergraduate and graduate courses."
Bauingenieur- u. Bauwesen, Technik / Bautechnik, Umwelttechnik, Hydrology (Civil Engineering), Hydraulik, Structures, Tragwerke, Civil Engineering & Construction, Staudamm, Hydrologie im Bauwesen