Web Server Programming
Neil Gray
Naturwissenschaften, Medizin, Informatik, Technik / Internet
When the web transitioned from a publishing to an interactivee-commerce medium, standardised web-browsers entered widespread useand developers were able to rely on a relatively stable clientcomponent. Since then, server-side developments have blossomed andresulted in considerable ease of programming, efficiency andincreasing sophistication of the server-side environment. Focusing on various technologies that support the server-sideprocessing of data from web-based forms, principally CGI styleprograms, scripting and Java solutions, this is a book tailored tothe technical and computational components of running a commercialand successful website. To benefit most from this approach, youwill have a working knowledge of HTML, some programming experiencein Java or C++, and limited experience with databases. Itsconcentration on server-side to the exclusion of web-page designand client-side concerns will be welcomed by practitioners andstudents who want hands-on and in-depth guidance on: * Setting up and running an Apache server * Use of Perl for web CGI programming and support administrativetasks * PHP Scripting - ideal for prototyping small web services * Servlet technologies * JSP - separating the issues of business programming andpresentation * XML - a few of its applications * Advanced services with EJBs * NET's new world order - a better model for client/serverinteraction The unified presentation allows for evaluation and comparison andcuts down on tedious duplication of content. Use it as a map tonavigate the strengths and niches of each of the tools to helpjudge which best suits your environment and requirements. Realisticexamples help to ground this broad coverage of server technologiesand will prove invaluable for web masters, systems administratorsand students looking for careers requiring web programming skills.Please visit booksite: www.uow.edu.au/~nabg/WebServer
Informatik, Web Site Development, Web-Design, Web-Entwicklung, Computer Science