The Mentee's Guide
Lois J. Zachary, Lory A. Fischler
Sozialwissenschaften, Recht, Wirtschaft / Betriebswirtschaft
PRAISE FOR THE MENTEE'S GUIDE "The Mentee's Guide inspires and guides the potential mentee, provides new insights for the adventure in learning that lies ahead, and underscores my personal belief and experience that mentoring is circular. The mentor gains as much as the mentee in this evocative relationship. Lois Zachary's new book is a great gift." --Frances Hesselbein, chairman and founding president, Leader to Leader Institute "Whether you are the mentee or mentor, born or made for the role, you will gain much more from the relationship by practicing the fun and easy A-to-Z principles of The Mentee's Guide by the master of excellence, Lois Zachary." --Ken Shelton, editor, Leadership Excellence "With this deeply practical book filled with stories and useful exercises, Lois Zachary completes her groundbreaking trilogy on mentoring. Must-reading for those in search of a richer understanding of this deeply human relationship as well as anyone seeking a mentor, whether for new skills, job advancement, or deeper wisdom." --Laurent A. Parks Daloz, senior fellow, the Whidbey Institute, and author, Mentor: Guiding the Journey of Adult Learners
The book provides a roadmap with guideposts along the path fromselecting a mentor to transitioning into the role of mentor,creating a viable culture of mentoring and facilitating effectiverelationships. It is comprehensive, accessible and illustrated withextensive real-life examples from those who have experiencedpowerful mentoring relationships.
Although the guide primarily focuses on mentoring related towork and professional development, its wisdom is applicable topersonal mentoring as well. In conclusion, it assists all of ustake charge of envisioning and realizing our futures, leading tobetter lives and more rewarding and valuable work."
--NACADA Journal, Issue 30(1) (Spring 2010)"The Mentee's Guide inspires and guides the potentialmentee, provides new insights for an adventure in learning thatlies ahead, and underscores my personal belief and experience thatmentoring is circular. The mentor gains as much as the mentee inthis evocative relationship. Lois Zachary's new book is agreat gift."
"Whether you are the mentee or mentor, born or made for therole, you will gain much more from the relationship by practicingthe fun and easy, A-to-Z principles of The Mentee'sGuide by the master of excellence, Lois Zachary."
"With this deeply practical book filled with stories and usefulexercises, Lois Zachary completes her ground-breaking trilogy onmentoring. Must-reading for those in search of a richerunderstanding of this deeply human relationship as well as anyoneseeking a mentor, whether for new skills, job advancement, ordeeper wisdom."
"Lois Zachary and Lory Fischler's book confirms theimportance of providing newly appointed leaders with the supportand tools they need to maximize the learning opportunitiesavailable through a mentoring relationship. Principals andvice-principals in Ontario currently value Zachary's books oncreating a culture of mentoring and her guide for mentors infacilitating effective relationships. This new resource completesthe collection and provides a comprehensive resource forestablishing successful mentoring programs."
"Lois Zachary understands the essence of mentoring. Her newbook, written with her associate, Lory Fischler, is another greattool for me as a leader, working with mentoring every day, alwayslooking to make the relationships more effective. Successfulmentoring is not about a cup of coffee now and then; it is a real,committed relationship with clear expectations on bothsides."
"A leading authority on mentoring, Lois Zachary writes with theclarity of purpose and generosity of spirit that animate successfulmentoring relationships. Based on solid research, her book presentsuseful exercises and juicy, real-life examples that will help youmake your time as a mentee wonderfully productive andaffirming."
"This easy -to-read, highly practical and reliable book teacheslessons that lead to successful mentoring in cross-cultural andinternational environments."
Training u. Personalentwicklung / Coaching, Mentoring, Bildungswesen, Wirtschaft u. Management, Training & Human Resource Development / Coaching & Mentoring, Education, Business & Management, Adult & Continuing Education, Erwachsenenbildung, Weiterbildung