The USPC Guide to Conformation, Movement and Soundness
Susan E. Harris
Ratgeber / Sport
Knowing about horse conformation, movement and soundness is important to any horse owner, whether you are selecting a horse, judging horses, or evaluating a horse's strengths, weaknessess, and ultimate potential.
The USPC Guide to Conformation, Movement and Soundness clearly explains and illustrates good, functional conformation and movement, faulty movement, conformation defects, blemishes and unsoundnesses, their causes, and how they affect the horse. This guide will be helpful to Pony Club and 4-H members, instructors, horse owners, and anyone interested in learning about evalulating horses' conformation, soundness and way of moving.
The Howell Equestrian Library
equestrian sport, horse care, instructors, horse grooming, horse training, The USPC Guide to Conformation, Movement and Soundness, Pony Club, United States Pony Club, equestrian, trainers, Susan E. Harris, horse riding, The Howell Equestrian Library