Hannah Keeley's Total Mom Makeover
Hannah Keeley
Ratgeber / Gesundheit
With all the demands on moms these days, no wonder they can feel overwhelmed, disorganized, unhealthy, and empty. Hannah Keeley to the rescue! Hannah Keeleyfounder of TotalMom.com, author, speaker, television personality, life coach, and full-time homeschooling mother of sevenknows of what she speaks. By following her simple and inspiring program, Keeley promises in just six weeks mothers everywhere can: - look better and sexier than ever - create beautiful, clean, clutter-free homes - build great relationships with their husbands and kids - cook healthy meals for their families - control chaos, fear, and worry in their lives - and much more With advice and tips on everything from housecleaning to personal growth, this is a must-have for any mother ready to reinvent herself and her family and to live life to the fullest.