End of the Age Bible Study Guide
John Hagee
The Day of the Lord Is Coming SoonThe common saying ';Everything comes to an end' assumes that what has a beginning must logically have a conclusion. Rumors of wars, earthquakes, pestilence, and signs in the heavens have increasedand many believe that the End of the Age is upon us and a new age is about to be born. While some in power wish to promote that which is contrary to God's Word, believers in Christ must continue to stand for righteousness and boldly speak the truth according to God's Word. No man knows the day or the hour, but make no mistakewhen the trumpet sounds, Jesus will be coming for His children.In The End of the Age Study Guide, New York Times bestselling author John Hagee examines the prophecies of the Bible in the context of the events taking place in our world. He reveals how through Bible prophecy, the Lord lays out our future, both in this life and in the life to come. He also shows that we are more than conquerors, called to abundance, confidence, and peacewhen we have the knowledge of the truth found in God's Word.The End of the Age represents quintessential teaching from John Hagee on Bible prophecy and is a must-read for all those concerned with God's divine plan.Each lesson in this study guide corresponds to the book and includes the following sections:Explore the Scripture: key passages for you to explore with study questionsReflect on the Scripture: questions to help you reflect on the truths of the passageAct in Faith: questions to help you apply the message of the passage to your life