Course of Lectures on the Principal Subjects in Pneumatology, Ethics, and Divinity
Philip Doddridge
Sachbuch / Religion: Allgemeines, Nachschlagewerke
Whilst the greatest effort has been made to ensure the quality of this text, due to the historical nature of this content, in some rare cases there may be minor issues with legibility. Befides the new references which pervade~ the whole body of the text, I have addedj'vat the bottom' of the page, many notes of reference, the intention of which is not only to allifi theo logical and other'pupils during their academical courfe, but to point out foch fources of infor mation as may be ferviceable to them in their future enquiries. It is not to be expetfted that in their Rate of pupilage they {hould be able to pay a due attention to one half of the books here fpecified: while, at the fame time, it maybe of great importance' to know where hereafter to apply for frelh fiores of knowledge and im4 provement.