History of the Jewish People
Emil Schurer
Sachbuch / Religion: Allgemeines, Nachschlagewerke
Whilst the greatest effort has been made to ensure the quality of this text, due to the historical nature of this content, in some rare cases there may be minor issues with legibility. Works of critical inquiry: Fro'lich, Annales compendiarii rcgum ct rerum Syriac, Viennae 1744. E. F. Wernsdorf, Dc fontibus historiae Syriac in libris Maccabaeorum prolusio, Lips. 1746. Fro'lich, De fontibus historiae Syriac in libris Maccabaeorum prolusio Lipsiac edita in examen vocata, Viennae 1746. Gottl. Wernsdorf, Commentatio historico-critica dc fide historica librorum Maccabaicorum, Wratislav. 1747. (khell), Auctoritas utriusque libri Maccabaici canonico-historica adserta, Viennae 1749. Rosen thal, Das erste Maccabaerbuch, Leipzig 1867. Schnedermann, Ueber das Judenthum der beiden ersten M accabc'ierbu'cher (zeitschr. Fur kirchl. Wisscnsch und kirchl. Leben, 1884, pp. 78 Critical material is also to be found in the early and the more recent polemical treatises on the value of the Apocrypha by Rainold, Keerl, Stier, Hengstenberg, Vincenzi, and others; see Herzog's real-enc. I. P. 489.