Jack and the Beanstalk: Read It Yourself - Level 3 Confident Reader


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Penguin Random House Children's UK img Link Publisher

Kinder- und Jugendbücher / Lernen


Based on the well-loved classic tale. When a young boy trades his family s cow for some magical beans, it s the start of a big adventure. Join Jack on an enchanting journey to the top of the magic beanstalk outside his window!Jack and the Beanstalk is from Confident Reader Level 3 and is perfect for more confident readers aged from 6+ who can read simple stories with help.Each book has been carefully checked by educational and subject consultants and includes comprehension puzzles, book band information, and tips for helping children with their reading.With five levels to take children from first phonics to fluent reading and a wide range of different stories and topics for every interest, Read It Yourself helps children build their confidence and begin reading for pleasure.

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