Learning WatchKit Programming

A Hands-On Guide to Creating watchOS 2 Applications

Wei-Meng Lee

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Pearson Education img Link Publisher

Naturwissenschaften, Medizin, Informatik, Technik / Informatik, EDV


Create Breakthrough Apple Watch Apps with the New watchOS 2 and the Updated WatchKit Framework! Apple Watch is improving quickly: Using Apple's new watchOS 2 operating system and the updated WatchKit framework, you can create tomorrow's hottest wearable apps. Learning WatchKit Programming, Second Edition, will help you master these technologies and gain the same "e;early mover"e; advantage that early iPhone developers enjoyed. Leading iOS development trainer and author Wei-Meng Lee guides you step by step through architecting, designing, and building cutting-edge Apple Watch apps. You'll learn how to make the most of the newest platform improvements, including direct programmatic access to key hardware features; support for new Watch Connectivity Framework APIs; and new ways to use location, consume web services, and persist data.
