Dream Drawings

Configurations of a Timeless Kind

N. Scott Momaday

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Harper Perennial img Link Publisher

Belletristik / Lyrik, Dramatik


[Momaday] must be ranked among the greatest of our contemporary writers.American Scholar"e;Momadays poems are rich with description, lush with dreaming, and filled with magic."e;Library Journal(starred review)From Pulitzer Prize winner and revered literary master N. Scott Momaday, a beautiful and enchanting new poetry collection, at once a celebration of language, imagination, and the human spirit.Language and the imagination work hand in hand, and together they enable us to reveal us to ourselves in story. That is indeed a magical process. . . . We imagine and we dream, and we translate our dreams into language. from the PrefaceA singular voice in American letters, Momadays love of language and storytelling are on full display in this brilliant new collection comprising one hundred sketches or dream drawingsfurnishings of the mindas he calls them. Influenced by his Native American heritage and its oral storytelling traditions, here are prose poems about nature, animals, warriors, and hunters, as well as meditations that explore themes of love, loss, time, and memory. Each piece, full of wisdom and wonder, showcases Momadays extraordinary lyrical talent, the breadth of his imagination, and the transformative power of his writing. Dream Drawings is also illustrated with a selection of black-and-white paintings by Momaday that capture the spirit of his prose.Poignant, inspired, and timeless, this is a collection that will nourish the soul.
