Kevin Hall
Ratgeber / Lebensführung, Persönliche Entwicklung
“Hall shows us the surprising power of words—tools we can use to shape new thoughts and beliefs—to help us change.” —Spencer Johnson, #1 New York Times–bestselling author We live our lives word by word—to build our relationships, to convey our points of view, to object to wrongs done to us or to others, to comfort our children and our friends. We also use the wrong words—sometimes unknowingly—and get ourselves into situations we’d rather not be in. As Stephen R. Covey points out in his introduction: Words sell and words repel Words lead and words impede Words heal and words kill Kevin Hall discovered the deeper power inherent in words after a fateful encounter with a wise shopkeeper in Vienna. When that led to an introduction to an esteemed etymologist residing in a senior home, Hall embarked on a project that changed his life, and has since changed the lives of thousands of readers. Discover the eleven words—as well as the secret word—that when used correctly, can light your path to the lifelong success you deserve.“Aspire has the power to help individuals and teams focus on their true purpose and reach their best and highest aspirations.” —Richard Paul Evans, #1 New York Times–bestselling author of The Christmas Box“Aspire is one of those truly great books that changed my life. Kevin Hall is right up there with Og Mandino and Napoleon Hill.” —Bob Proctor, teacher in The Secret, bestselling author of You Were Born Rich