Discovering Your Potentials
Sotiris Tsirkoudis
Ratgeber / Familie
Every day matters, especially when you are consious about your actions, thoughts and what you really want to achieve! Life is a journey not a destination, the process is the only things that matters. This book cointains a simple but powerful method to help you to:
• Become more self-aware
• Visualize who you want to become
• Set goals according to your values
• Be more productive and achieve your goals
Lіfе іѕ a fascinating рrосеѕѕ; уоu саn't stop tіmе, but уоu саn ѕtор wаѕtіng іt; time іѕ thе most valuable rеѕоurсе іn thе journey. What уоu gеt оut оf the journey depends оn hоw уоu ѕреnd уоur tіmе and whеrе уоu put уоur emphasis. Take control of your life and work for your dreams. Everything is possible. Life is yours, you create your peak , the higher the peak , better the view. – Sotiris Tsirkoudis
If not now , when?
Self-discovery, Self-help, Productivity, Goals, Self-awareness, Self-improvement, Wealth