Realization Into Hermetics Masters Part 1
Magnus Sarmarx
Sachbuch / Esoterik: Allgemeines, Nachschlagewerke
The Path to the Great Work is unique in its direction but multiple in its strands. Hermeticism is to follow this path by obtaining the union of all powers and balancing them both in a Passive Receptive and Active Aggressive manner, the union of the Elements and their Absolute Control over the protection of the Law of Manifestation of Polarity is the Realization of the Scepter of the Power and the full consecration of the Master in this art. The human being in his conscious state supports only a tiny fraction of the Cosmic Consciousness thus making it impossible for him alone to touch and unite with the higher powers, only with the application of the Law of Polarity in its deepest strand is obtained So your success, both your Conscious and Perceptible as well as your Unconscious and Imperceptible, must be directed towards achieving such a noble goal. For the vast majority of the uninitiated, what they do not perceive and which can not be touched or conceivable by them is not part of their world, practically for them is something that "does not exist" yet it is precisely this inconceivable and unexpected part that when presented In their lives it assaults to him of surprise and of fatal way. When a Higher Power manifests itself in the world it is only perceptible and comprehensible in its totality to those who are on the same level, the lower levels only perceive fractions, and the lower ones have never been able to comprehend it, and these which are so are Adapted so much to their material physical state that they disconnected completely forgot the Grandiosity from which they came, from the Power of their Microcosm and from their Sacred counterpart The Macrocosm.
The Initiate was already able to apply the Law of Polarity and thus obtain and fix his own reintegration with the flow of Divine Providence in this world strengthening him with blessing and power, making his life be watched over by Superior and Absolutely Holy Forces, And now to consecrate his masters he needs to reintegrate with the foundation of this power so deeply that they will become more than inseparable.
When he came into this world his Being in the process of incarnation was "turned away" from the Holy Powers, Forces and Plans, his vibrational state equaled to this time and finally to the material, social and emotional environment, then reborn, yet his Spirit in his state Always imperative and present directed him again by the experiences of his life and by the love of his heart to reintegrate and rise again reconnecting to the Sacred Plans, Forces and Powers thus extinguishing their pendencies with this world and allowing their Ascension, the first step in this Sacred Way has already been given in the last Book with the True Initiation and now its Kingdom must be re-erected here in its fullness to obtain the Master, only from this conquest that can go forward and obtain Sacred Realization.
Magnus Sarmarx
bardon, hermetics, initiation, power, Magick, Franz Bardon, Hermetism