Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to Al-Madinah & Meccah (Vol.1-3)
Richard Francis Burton
Reise / Naher Osten
"I have entitled this account of my summer's tour through Al-Hijaz, a Personal Narrative, and I have laboured to make its nature correspond with its name, simply because "it is the personal that interests mankind." Many may not follow my example." Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to Al-Madinah & Meccahis the first detailed and informative account of hajj pilgrimage from the eyes of a western explorer and ethnographer. Spread over 3 volumes it is a well-documented journey to Mecca in disguise and provides a thorough insight into the lives and customs of the Arab world. CONTENTS Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to Al-Madinah & Meccah (In 3 Vols.) Biography and Further Readings: Life of Sir Richard Burton by Thomas Wright Romance of Isabel Lady Burton: The Story of Her Life (Vol.1&2) Arabian Society in the Middle Ages Behind the Veil in Persia and Turkish Arabia
Sir Richard Burton exploration, Cultural observations, Western exploration, Arabian society study, Arabian customs, Mecca pilgrimage, Arabian travelogue, Historical travel narrative, Middle East journey, Ethnographic account